Monday, 28 May 2007

Motion3 Open GL errors

I was really looking forward to Motion3 and it's 3D (ish) enviroment. Unfortunatly I'm getting non stop errors in 3D. Currently got an ATI 1900xt in the mac pro, but I can get the MacBookPro to do it as well. Can't just be me running into this, can it! :-/


Dale McCready said...

bugger... I was hoping that it would be better than that. Back to AE.

Dale McCready said...
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Andrew Schwartz said...

i am getting GL errors all over the place.

guh i want to kill!!! I have to deliver this project

Space|Simon said...

Amazed it's been released to be honest. It is nice.. just not production ready. Never count on new features...

Not tried a render yet.. does the project actually render ok ?