Tuesday, 10 July 2007

10.4.10 + Motion3

.. 3d just got a bit worse :-/ now all image planes go orange, hmm...

Saturday, 23 June 2007

Random things...

Heard that the fcp6 diskspeed issue may be down to the Blackmagic 6.2 driver creating a conflict with raid cards.. so will be looking into this.

The 10.4.10 osx update appears to have fixed nearly all the opengl 3D errors in Motion3 on the macbookpro, though I still managed to get the macpro (xt1900) to have a fit, orange blocks out images etc... though I was giving it a hard time.

One thing I forgot to mention, you can preview your motion project files in Finder.

Looking forward to having a play with Mocha

Off on hols for 2 weeks now :)

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

8bits bad - 10 bits good... UPDATED

Not that easy to spot which is 10bit and which is 8bit. Till you pull a key!. Quite suprised how much quality is lost in 2bits. We were pretty sure it was a 4:2:2 problem. Live n learn.

Thanks to Nick for the info on this issue.
-Quicktime decodes 8 bit 4:2:2 media to RGB without any smoothing applied to the U and V channels, but it does apply smoothing with 10 bit 4:2:2 media-

So could this be why Prores export in QT has a 4:4:4 smoothing option ?.. intresting...

FCP6 MediaManager and "none" codec UPDATE

Yep.. so I exported the NONE codec clips to 10bit uncompressed using Batch Export in fcp. re-imported these clips. Deleted the ones that had compresion set to "none" and re media managed the project. All fine, no clips showing just black.

So none is a no-go at the moment.

Shake(intel) error with Blackmagic Codecs

Here's what you get if you "file in" blackmagic clips to Shake on intel macs. Nice!!

Always something...

FCP6 GUI error

Nice greeting from FCP6 this morning...

Macpro/1900XT... graphics bug ?

Monday, 28 May 2007

Motion3 Open GL errors

I was really looking forward to Motion3 and it's 3D (ish) enviroment. Unfortunatly I'm getting non stop errors in 3D. Currently got an ATI 1900xt in the mac pro, but I can get the MacBookPro to do it as well. Can't just be me running into this, can it! :-/

Sunday, 27 May 2007

Blackmagic codec and Shake problem..

Actually thinking about this.. it's gonna be a pain in the ass. I can't ingest uncompressed SD/HD whatever.. and just drop it into Shake. Stupid coloured pixels dancing on the left.. known issue apparently according to Luke @ Blackmagic. So Shake being no longer developed I have my doubts about this being fixed soon.

So I need to export as something Shake is cool with.

Say I capture 10bit uncompressed Blackmagic. Exporting from within FCP screws it somehow..looks ok.. but, shows up when trying to key greenscreen as heavy stepping appears. Looks the same as a big post house sent us an uncompresed 10bit quicktime. (well a few actually)Looks like a few people are getting caught out.

Quicktime export.. nope, docs say don't export anything above 8bit. Really? yuv or RGB? sigh...

So, am I gonna have to buy AfterEffects just to do this?

Can I just delete the Blackmagic codec? I mean why does it replace Apples? uncompressed is uncompressed no??

Install AJA codecs? :-/

Always something...

Color - Radial interpolation, very neat.

Digging this option in Color. I take it this is what the Da Vinci chaps refer to when I asked how they grade across pre-rendered cross dissolves etc..

The speed of this app is really impressive given it's included in the FCS2 package. Yes it's missing things.. no the gui isn't very Apple. The few things in the release notes are a bit of a pain, re-renders not linking etc.. but hey!

One wish is to have the Dual Screen option split in two. Either split the main screen, or keep everything on one screen as in single display and have a full screen image on the second.. take it this is a gfx card thing... 2x ati x1900 ?

Apple TV, needs audio to sync/stream

Gary at Apple Manchester helped sort a little problem I was having with getting my test comps to show on the ATV. Dead handy for client reviews.

Anyway, after trying many many things, it was concluded your quicktimes must have an audio track. Must be something to do with wanting to keep the audio/video in sync on playing.

So for now we have a 1 second mute track at hand and "add to selection and scale" in Quicktime. So the mute track fits the video trk.

Streams and syncs fine.

I was conviced it was full 720P (1280/720 not some fake 940pixel job) had to be 23.97 as Apple trailers are 23.97 not 24fps.

Trust no one! ;)

FCP6 MediaManager and "none" codec

Just recompressing our archive of work finals. All uncompressed in some shape or form. A few I exported from Flame using codec "none" are causing problems.

Media manage the entire imported folder in FCP6 to a new folder using recompress. Set to ProResHQ. Basically to have a project that we can keep online at all times to cut new demo reels with.

All the clips with codec "none" appear to re-compress fine. But on viewing are just black. File size is very small.. 200k 'ish.

Will try another route to get these to another codec first.. might just be a fcp6 thing....

Don't forget ya reel numbers...

Quick one. If your importing quicktimes into FCP from say a vfx artists finals, or media captured on the fly using "now" remember to give it a reel number otherwise Media Manager will not trim the clips down if you specify to trim down clips to handles only. You'l just get the same clips.

Saturday, 26 May 2007

Hmm. impressive...

Thanks for the pointer Ben,

Check the exculsive out!..


Quicktime error...

So first off..

Rendered out a uncompressed QT from Shake on a macpro.. brought ot over to my macpro which has FCS2 and BlackMagic 6.2 on. Just showing up as a white frame in QT. So loaded the rendered qt into my shake and it was fine. Renered out a BM qt and it was screwed.. then noticed there were 2 quicktime icons in my dock... and all of a sudden all my quictimes were playing as just white blank clips..

restarted.. all fine. Another funny one! :-/

There is currently a problem in shake with any blackmagic codec QT's.. you get funny dancing pixels on the right of frame.


A list of things....

Not sure I really want to bother with this but we'll see. Just a list of things that go wrong or catch me out at work... see how it goes.
